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  Message from the Chairman   

   Allah Almighty alone is worthy to be praised and blessed be His Messenger(S.a.w) who is the truthful guide of the humanity 

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It is by the grace of the great and kind Allah that we have been able to made it possible to materialize the long cherished vision of such an educational institution wherein the age old division of knowledge into watertight compartments has been dispelled and unity of religious and socio-political education has been compromised to bridge the gap between the creator and his creation. We have left no stone unturned to provide a techno-savvy education to face the challenges of current scientific era. We have strained every nerve to provide conducive and favorable environment with a propose to produce intellectuals and experts who will be able to direct and guide the destiny in the light of the Quranic teachings and the teachings and traditions of the Blessed Prophet (S.a.w).They will be equipped with the deep scientific and Islamic understanding to shoulder the responsibility to guide the distracted Ummah. We aim at individual’s emancipation from the bondage of prejudice and sectarian basis while showing respect to the values of goodness, efficiency and excellence tempered with vigorous pursuit of truth and authenticity.

May Allah bless the soul of PEER GUL MOHAMMAD SOFI (R.A) of Shopian, by the untiring efforts of whom we have been able to initiate and establish this grand institute.  JAMIA SIRAJ UL ULOOM, which is sure to quench the thirst of the knowledge aspiring minds. May Allah Subhana Wa Ta'ala grant his audience to our endeavor and keep this educational institution under the umbrage of His mercy and bless us to attain the coveted goals.  (Aameen)..